our packages


ARE YOU READY?  If you’ve come this far then I’m going to guess that you are READY!  Hiring a Life Coach might be something new for you but I can assure you that this will be one of the best investments you will make in your life.  It’s an investment in YOU!   You are worth it.  As your life coach, I’m going to help you Dream BIG and stretch your horizons! 

life coaching

Clarity, Declutter & Direction

OUTCOME:  Gain Clarity, Maximize Your Potential, & Achieve Your Goals

The Clarity, Declutter & Direction coaching program is a 3 Step Life Coaching program will take your entire life to a higher level.  This program incorporates 3 unique systems that include exercises, reflective work, discussion, thought-provoking exercises and one-on-one coaching sessions.  The sessions include the Declutter System, Clarity & Focus System and the Direction/Action Plan System.

We will begin with a unique DECLUTTERING system that will help get rid of the chaos and confusion that causes you to feel overwhelmed, distracted and discouraged.

Then we will work on our Clarity Focal System which is a step-by-step system that will help you to start bringing clarity to your life helping you focus and understand your journey.

Finally, we work on the Direction / Action Planning system where we help get you going in a direction that will positively impact and change your life.  We work on an Action Plan that you can use over and over again each time you feel you get off track.

This is a 6-week coaching package that is life-changing.  

Original Cost $2,500    Sale: $1,500


Revitalize Your Love Life

OUTCOME:  Having a Fulfilling Love Life

Let’s face it, dating and relationships can be challenging but the thought of having a loving companion make us all feel happy.  That’s something many of us wish for, even pray for.  To find someone who we can share the good time, the bad times and the in between times with.  Someone who loves us the same way we love them. 

At the end of the day we all just want to be happy.  But as fairy tale at this all sounds it isn’t always easy finding the right person whom you share great chemistry with.  That’s why relationship coach is so important. 

relationship coach is someone who supports individuals and couples in learning vital skills for relating, in dating, marriages and romantic partnerships. Relationship coaches teach can help you with dating techniques, relationship challenges, conflict resolution skills and offer tools to deepen the romance in a relationship.

This Love Life coaching package meets you at whatever level your love life is at.  If you are single, I offer some dynamic workshops and coaching sessions that will help you find your Mr. Right,

If you are in a relationship, we will customize our Love Life coaching package to help you deepen your relationship and work through any challenges you encounter.

This is a 4 week coaching package designed to change your Love Life.

Original Cost:  $697     Sale: $497


Purposeful Destiny

OUTCOME:  Help You Find Your Purpose & Overcome The Obstacles

When you aren’t living a purposeful life, you feel stuck, like there’s no way out of your current situation. You know something is missing and yet you’re afraid to change, so you keep on living the same mundane life. While numbing out your existence and the pain of facing the truth. You always talk about the things that you’re going to do… one day… Jealous of those who are actually doing it. All the while, you look outside of yourself for fulfillment and never feel satisfied.

If this is you, this is your wake up call.  This Purposeful Destiny Coaching package will help you find your purpose and overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back.   We will tackle the Six Building Blocks that will help you build a strong purposeful foundation and live a full life.  The six building blocks are:

We will begin our session with helping you gain a better understanding of YOU!

This session will help bring clarity to your current life’s journey and the path ahead.

This is one of the most in-depth sessions that revolutionize my clients.  Once you begin to understand your “WHY” you will begin to see a path to your destiny.

This is a great time to reflect on your past journey so that you can understand where you are going.

Together we will write your story and create a big vision.

This is where we will begin to enter into a new realm of your life.  We will reflect and journey into a destiny that changes your life.  

We all deserve to feel good about life and we only truly feel this way when we focus on the things that we love and are most passionate about.  Finding your Life’s Purpose can only be found within the deep recesses of your soul.  To discover your true life’s purpose we need to look at various areas of your life that might shed some light on your deepest passions, needs, wants, and desires.  This is precisely what we will do during our Purpose Coaching Sessions. 

This is a 6 week coaching package that will help you find your Purpose.

Original Cost $2,000    Sale: $997

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